Should I use weight-lifting straps?

A lot of people wonder whether they should use weight training straps while lifting weights. I feel that a big reason for this question is the social stigma of using weightlifting straps and big egos. Terms like zero-for-zero make it seem like your sets and reps might not count while training. An honest evaluation of lifting straps will tell us that they are tools and that most tools have specific functions. You do not hammer a screw, and you probably don’t walk around with a hammer every day, but you likely have a hammer in your home.

If lifting straps are a tool, what is their function? Straps make it easier to hold heavy/ large objects so that they do not slip out of our fingers. If you are finding that your grip strength gives out on certain exercises or toward the end of your workout lifting straps might be a good tool for you.

There are several valid reasons not to use weight lifting straps:

You are not doing an exercise where an object might slip out of your fingers. You would not use lifting straps on exercise machines, pushing movements (bench press, dumbbell press, overhead press, etc), nor most dumbbell exercises. Traditionally, lifting straps are occasionally used for barbell movements, like deadlifts, Romanian deadlifts, bent-over rows, Olympic pulls, and other rows. They can be used for heavy dumbbell movements and help improve your range of motion on the front squat.

  • You are training for a specific event (powerlifting, weightlifting, CrossFit, strongman, etc) or other competition that does not allow the use of lifting straps. These are typically referred to as RAW events and they do not allow for the use of external equipment. The reason that you do not want to use lifting straps when training for these events is that you want to be improving your grip strength for the competition. If you are regularly using lifting straps you may weaken your grip strength and not do as well in your competition.

  • If you want to improve your grip strength you should not use lifting straps.

  • If you don’t like them, you don’t need to use them.

Good reasons to train with straps:​

When your grip starts to give out your lifting technique starts to change. Your back can round putting more stress on your low back and possibly leading to an increased chance of injury. Using lifting straps allow you to maintain proper form at heavier weights. Making training safer and healthier.

  • If you are not training for a RAW competition there is really no reason not to use lifting straps. If the goal of your training is to get stronger and lifting straps allow you to lift more weight with proper technique; why would you not use them when appropriate? I am not saying use them all the time, but there are days or sets when it might be better to use them.

  • If you do not want your training limited by your grip strength or grip strength is not that important to you, lifting straps are perfectly acceptable.

  • If you have a medical condition. I have met one person that used lifting straps for EVERYTHING because she had a degenerative medical condition that prevented her from getting a good workout in unless she was using straps. She tried for 3 years to train without straps and her wrists would hurt all the time. Once she started using straps your training improved and pain went away. It is much more important to have a workout than to worry about straps.

When to Use Lifting Straps:​

If you choose to use lifting straps you should generally not be using them all the time. You should use them for exercises where the weight might slip out of your fingers.

Barbell movements, like deadlifts, Romanian deadlifts, bent-over rows, and Olympic pulls.

You do not need to use straps during warm-ups or every training set. But you should use them for a whole set, try to avoid beginning a set without straps by doing a few reps then stopping putting straps on and continuing the set.

You should use straps only when grip strength compromises your technique or grip strength is the limiting factor for the exercise

How to wear lifting straps​

Step 1: Put your hand through the space created so that the strap rests on the back of your hand, just below your wrists. Tighten the strap around the wrist to ensure its secure.

Step 2: Place the rest of the strap over and outside your thumb on one side, and outside of your hand and down your palm.

Step 3: Now wrap the strap around the barbell or dumbbell by going underneath and around the bar. Tighten it up so that the bar is secured in your hand.

Step 4: Once the straps are in place, rotate the bar or dumbbell to tighten the straps to the weight and secure your grip.


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