Our Personal Training Method

Warm-Up & Rehab

Step 1:

Improving joint mobility, flexibility, and posture. Your dynamic warm-up allows us to rehab some old injuries and activate weak muscle groups

Power & Strength

Step 2:

Build lean muscle; strengthen your body and mind. You will develop a body that can overcome whatever life throws at you and look great!

Tone & Cardio

Step 3:

Expect to see fat loss, weight loss, increase in energy, and athleticism. To achieve your goals, we match training to you; so that you can always succeed. 

Stretch & Recover

Step 4:

Relax, take a few deep breaths; allow your body to begin to recover. The work we did earlier will keep you burning energy even when you stop moving.

Get Started With 2 Free Classes

Small class sizes get you the coaching to be confident.

Right next door to fit your time and busy schedule.

Workouts and nutrition help you tone up and keep fit.

What We Do

Functional Strength Training

Functional Strength Training is being able to do: what you want whenever you want. Have you ever picked something up off the floor? Sat down in a chair and stood up again? Placed items up on a shelf? If so, you’ve performed deadlifts, squats, and overhead presses. This is not strength training for the sole purpose of strength; it is strength in combination with balance, stability, and coordination. Each workout is designed to help you move better, feel healthier, and get stronger so that you can live your best life.


High Energy Athletic Training

H.E.A.T. stands for high energy athletic training! This HIIT total-body group workout class is designed to get you moving in ways that are going to challenge and improve your movement patterns, elevate your heart rate for cardiovascular and metabolic benefit, and improve your strength; if you are super strong, your strength endurance. This class is designed to charge your metabolism to burn more calories after you exercise so you get the most out of your workout, even when you are not moving.


Doable Nutrition


The nutrition advice is kept simple and straight forward. I follow as much of the advice as I choose. I get to keep eating all of the foods I love and get to discover new ones too! 

Great Group Fitness


The group fitness classes are amazing! Coach finds a way to customized the workouts to fit my needs and work around my old injuries and the new ones. I don’t look like I’m 20 but I feel and look better than I have in 17 years!!

Patient Coaching


Coach Pierce is very knowledgeable! I have a few medical conditions and was hesitant to start. Pierce took things slowly, took the time to understand me and work on my needs. I am still not an active person but now I can do all the things that are important.